Resultados: 7

Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Development: An Integrative Literature Review

Aquichan; 23 (3), 2023
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic reduced the possibilities of generating stimulating spaces for children’s development, as all the systems with which a child interacts during this phase were affected. Objective: To identify the existing scientific evidence about the effects on child development in c...

Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis "Risk for delayed child development"

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 56 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To validate clinically the risk factors of the nursing diagnosis "Risk for delayed child development". Method: Cross-sectional quantitative study carried out in a specialty outpatient clinic and in family health units with 124 children. The data was collected through interviews with...

Risk and protective factors to early childhood development during the COVID-19 pandemic

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 56 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the risk and protective factors to the development of children under three years of age during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Cross-sectional, quantitative study carried out in three early childhood education centers in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in October 2020. The...

Processo de trabalho de enfermeiros na vigilância do desenvolvimento infantil

REME rev. min. enferm; 23 (), 2019
Objetivo: investigar o processo de trabalho de enfermeiros nas consultas de puericultura em relação à vigilância do desenvolvimento infantil em unidades de saúde da família. Método: pesquisa qualitativa com 19 enfermeiros que realizavam consultas de puericultura à criança menor de dois anos de i...

Dysfunctions in the socio emotional development of infants and its related factors: an integrative review

ABSTRACT Objective: to synthesize factors related to dysfunctions in the socioemotional development of infants. Method: integrative review carried out between April and August 2016 with defined criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies, search strategies, extraction and synthesis of data. The exp...

Vigilância do desenvolvimento infantil: práticas de enfermeiras após capacitação

Rev. eletrônica enferm; 17 (1), 2015
Este estudo objetivou avaliar a percepção de enfermeiras em relação à sua prática na atenção à saúde da criança, após a capacitação em vigilância do desenvolvimento infantil, no contexto da Atenção Integrada às Doenças Prevalentes na Infância. Pesquisa exploratória, com abordag...

Child development surveillance: intervention study with nurses of the Family Health Strategy

Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational action in child development surveillance performed by nurses working in primary health care.Methods: interventional study with a before-and-after type of design, carried out with 45 nurses and 450 mothers of children under 2 years of age. Initial...